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From this page you can view and download pdfs of our UK catalogue and AIs for each Blue Guide. Click on the links to see Advance Information sheets, contents, sample pages and indexes in pdf format and hi-res covers.

For US sales information or orders, please contact our US distributor, WW Norton & Co, via their rep or website.  Other distributors are listed here.

Current UK catalogue

UK Print On Demand catalogue

Current US catalog

Blue Danube books

VENETIAN ANGEL by Ferenc Molnár

Advance Information SheetCover

Contents – Sample pages – Index


WRONG PASSPORT by Ralph Brewster

Advance Information SheetCover

ContentsSample pages – Index


The Remarkable Mrs ANDERSON by Miklós Bánffy

Advance Information SheetCover

Contents – Sample pages – Index


The MONKEY and other stories by Miklós Bánffy

Advance Information SheetCover

ContentsSample pages – Index

Blue Guides – Most recent first

Drink & Think Venice: A Blue Guide Travel Monograph

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide London

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Blue Guide Venice

Advance Information SheetCover

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Italy Food Companion

Advance Information SheetCover

ContentsSample pages – Index


Blue Guide Rome

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Hungary Food Companion

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Lombardy, Milan & the Italian Lakes

Advance Information SheetCover

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Travels in Transylvania: The Greater Târnava Valley

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Budapest

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Florence

Advance Information SheetCover

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Hungarian Wine: A Tasting Trip To The New Old World

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Sicily

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide New York

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Paris

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Blue Guide The Marche & San Marino

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Crete

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Blue Guide Southwest France

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Blue Guide Greece the Aegean Islands

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Blue Guide Greece the Mainland

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Blue Guide Hay-on-Wye

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Blue Guide India

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Blue Guide Istanbul

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Blue Guide Concise Italy

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Blue Guide Central Italy

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Blue Guide Southern Italy

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Blue Guide Museums and Galleries of London

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Short Guide to London 1953: Special Coronation Edition Reprint

Advance Information SheetCover

Contents – Sample pages – Index


Blue Guide Concise Rome

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Tuscany

Advance Information SheetCover

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Sites of Antiquity: From Ancient Egypt to the Fall of Rome

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Literary Companion London

Advance Information SheetCover

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Blue Guide Literary Companion Rome

Advance Information SheetCover

ContentsSample pagesIndex


Smoothly from Harrow: A Compendium for the London Commuter

Advance Information SheetCover

ContentsSample pagesIndex


Staten Island: A Blue Guide Travel Monograph

Advance Information Sheet – Cover

ContentsSample pagesIndex


Blue Guide Literary Companion Venice

Advance Information SheetCover

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The Venice Lido: A Blue Guide Travel Monograph

Advance Information SheetCover

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Pilgrim’s Rome: A Blue Guide Travel Monograph

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art/shop/eat London

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art/shop/eat Paris

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art/shop/eat Rome

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art/shop/eat Barcelona

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art/shop/eat Berlin

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art/shop/eat Los Angeles

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art/shop/eat Madrid

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art/shop/eat Milan

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art/shop/eat Prague

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art/shop/eat San Francisco

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art/shop/eat Venice

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Visible Cities Budapest

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Contents – Sample pages – Index


Visible Cities Dubrovnik

Advance Information SheetCover

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